About Us

What is OVCHE?

Ohio Valley Christian Home Educators (OVCHE) is a support group that exists to encourage families who are striving to educate their children in a manner pleasing to our Savior Jesus Christ.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  

- Proverbs 22:6

“And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart: and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”  

- Deuteronomy 6:6

OVCHE members consists of home educating parents who are joining together to share their talents, resources, and time in order to enhance and enrich the educational experiences of their children. Members also provide advice, encouragement, and inspiration for fellow homeschooling families.


What does OVCHE do?

OVCHE is so much more than a Co-op! Our members regularly organize field trips, group outings (e.g. symphony, hiking, or the zoo), playdates, teen/tween nights, and specialty classes (e.g. art, music). Each month we have a Book Club with age- appropriate discussion groups, Sport of the Month (e.g. bowling, ice skating, climbing), craft class, basketball /gym class, Mom’s Night Out and a Mother Culture Book Club. In addition, we have annual events such as a Back-to-(home) School picnic, Christmas Party, and Talent Shows. All of these events are only accessible from the “Members-only” side of our website. Some events are open to extended family (e.g. Talent Shows) or guests (e.g. Symphony) as space allows, but preference is always given to OVCHE members!

Our Co-op meets once a week (Thursdays) for 10-week fall and winter sessions. There are several hour-long class options for each age group. Unfortunately, not all OVCHE members are able to participate in Co-op due to space limitations and there is a waiting list. Preference is usually given to families with older students. If you are primarily interested in OVCHE membership for the Co-op, please make this clear during the Membership Interview (see below).


How do I join OVCHE?

Those interested in membership should submit an application online at OVCHE.org (Note: submitting an application neither commits you to nor guarantees membership). You will then be contacted by the Membership Committee to discuss your homeschooling journey, what you hope to get out of OVCHE, and answer any questions you may have. Upon satisfactory completion of the interview, and payment of dues, membership will be approved.

You do not have to be a Christian or fully agree with our Statement of Faith to join OVCHE. However, you do have to live in accordance with our Statement of Belief Regarding Marriage, Family, and Human

Sexuality, abide by our Policies, Procedures, and Expected Conduct, act respectfully towards those of the Christian faith and not undermine their beliefs, and abstain from promoting events or content in our group that would be in disagreement with or offense to conservative Christian values.

To join OVCHE click on "Request Membership" at the top of the page

  1. Submit all required information 

  2. Submit a check for $35 made payable to "OVCHE" to our treasurer: 

P.O. Box 561
St. Clairsville OH 43950

Once the information and your fee is obtained and you have been approved by our board within 10 days you will receive an email and you will be ready to log in.

If you are renewing your membership please pay your annual dues before the due date and update your profile when prompted to.. if your dues for the year are not received by the annual renewal invoice due date your account will be deactivated.


Who runs OVCHE?

OVCHE is volunteer-led and welcomes ideas and suggestions from ALL of its member families! Member involvement is a necessity to keep our organization going. Anyone can organize an event and submit it to the online Calendar (though all events must be approved by the Events Committee). Such events can include field trips, outings, specialty classes, guest speakers, teen events, group tickets, or anything else that would be beneficial to our members. Classes and outings can be led by the OVCHE member or by an outside expert or organization, as long as the content is appropriate for the target audience.

We also have an appointed Board of Directors who make policy decisions, manage finances, and offer dispute resolution when necessary. Our committees (Membership, Events, Technology, Finance, and Co-op) help manage regular operations (e.g. website maintenance, payments, and membership applications) and organize large-group special events (e.g. Co-op, Holiday Parties, and Talent Shows). Long-term, active members who agree with our Statement of Faith are encouraged to get involved with a committee.


Who do I contact if I still have questions?

Check out our website at OVCHE.org, or better yet, talk to a member! You can also feel free to email us at [email protected], attend our annual business meeting in August, or come to our (somewhat annual) Homeschool Workshop Day in May.